- Produce top results without ruffling feathers
- Maintain strong relationships and hold others accountable
- Jumpstart your transition into a new leadership role
- Effectively communicate the value you bring
- Influence others while being true to yourself
- Increase customer and employee satisfaction with a culture of teamwork
- Respond to challenging economic times in ways that engage all of your employees
- Ensure creative thinking to generate new opportunities
Executives report that receiving objective, unfiltered feedback is difficult to obtain internally yet paramount for honing in on effective improvement targets. Effective feedback combined with a scheduled time to step out of the craziness and focus on what is working and what is not allows for important shifts to occur, bringing enhanced results and satisfaction.
Improve the bottom line results while you boost your ability to lead with strength, clear direction, and caring while fostering strong relationships with those you work with. Create a presence that allows for unwavering strength and inspiration even in an environment filled with stress and anxiety.

In today’s ever connected workplace, the ability to work effectively in relationship with others is a critical success factor. Studies show that this matters more than technical expertise or IQ. Develop a better understanding of the components of emotional intelligence and why it is important. Increase your self-awareness on what triggers you and others you work with into their stress response of flight, fight or freeze and some of the brain science behind why humans behave the way they do. Explore ways to use EI to improve trust, delegate more effectively, create stronger teams, and enjoy all relationships more.
In today’s increasingly competitive global marketplace effective executive and leadership coaching partnerships are increasingly employed. Creating organizational success in the midst of pressures for radical restructuring, increased needs for specialized staff, excessive time demands on leaders, rapid shifts to new technologies and demand for “just in time training” are merely a few of the rationales for quality coaching.
Improve the bottom line results while you boost your ability to lead with strength, clear direction, and caring while fostering strong relationships with those you work with. Create a presence that allows for unwavering strength and inspiration even in an environment filled with stress and anxiety.
According to a study by the American Management Association companies with coaching programs were more likely to report that they are performing well in:
- Revenue Growth
- Market Share
- Profitability
- Customer Satisfaction
They also found that more companies are planning to implement coaching and over half of those with programs are expanding their reach. When utilized to address leadership development and succession planning or to improve retention rates, coaching programs were significantly correlated to improved market performance.
Return on Investment for executive coaching has been conservatively shown to be 5.7 times the initial investment according to a report in The Manchester Review using annual monetary business values. The study also found tangible business impacts in the area of productivity, quality, organizational strength and customer service and intangible business impacts in the areas of improved relationships (with direct reports, stakeholders and peers), improved teamwork, improved job satisfaction and reduced conflict.